Tap investments

ToRobert Haus, Port Moresby for Tap Investments (Treasury Bills and Bonds) is now closed until further notice.

Public Notices / 25 June 2024


The Bank of Papua New Guinea wishes to inform the general public that the trading counter at the ground floor od the ToRobert Haus, Port Moresby for Tap Investments (Treasury Bills and Bonds) is now closed until further notice due to the increase in number of COVID-19 cases in the city.

New investments have been put on hold until further notice. Only maturities, early redemptions (sell-back) and rollovers will be processed and communicated through email and telephone.

Should you have any queries regarding Tap Investments during the trading hours of 10am and 2pm, please contact the Financial Markets Department on:

Telephone: 322 7156 /35 /206 /344

Mobile: 7091 6038, 7091, 6035, 7091 6037

Email: [email protected]

Authorised by: Loi M. Bakani CMG Governor