Central Bank Bills Invitation

Bid Invitation

Auction No: 2025/4035
Auction Date and Time: 20-03-2025 09:00 AM-11:00 AM
Security Type: Central Bank Bill
Security Number: 3368
Term: 28 Days
Maturity Date: 17-04-2025
Coupon: Amount On Offer: K20,000,000.00
Settlement Date: 21-03-2025 17:58 PM
Previous Weighted Average Rate: 4.28%

Total maturity for this week is K10,000,000.00 of which K0 is Tap maturity. 

For commercial banks, settlements will be made against the Exchange Settlement Account.

For all other investors, payment must be received by BPNG before submitting bids. Payments must be made electronically from the account you have registered with us to the following BPNG account:

Account name: RMS KATS Clearing Account – Registry Transaction
Account No: 000-5312-7209-0000-1
Bank – Branch: Bank of PNG-Port Moresby
BSB No: 121001
Transaction Type: Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

Funds that are not required for settlement of a successful bid will be returned by Friday.

Terms and conditions apply to primary auctions. These may be found on the BPNG website.

Fixed Rate Full Allotment Auction

Auction No: 2025/4036
Auction Date and Time: 20-03-2025 01:00 PM-02:00 PM
Security Type: Central Bank Bill
Security Number: 3369
Term: 7 Days
Maturity Date: 28-03-2025
Settlement Date: 21-03-2025
Fixed Rate: 4.00%

Total maturity for this week is K1,195,000,000.00 of which K0 is Tap maturity.

For non-registered bidders ,payment must be made before submitting bids. For registered bidders,

we will advise you on the result of the auction and expect settlement by 1.00PM Friday, 21st of March 2025.

Excluding Commercial Banks, all payments must be made electronically to the following account:

Account name: RMS KATS Clearing Account – Registry Transaction
Account No: 000-5312-7209-0000-1
Bank – Branch: Bank of PNG-Port Moresby
BSB No: 121001
Transaction Type: Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

This is provided as per the Bank of Papua New Guinea Tap Securities Terms - Conditions.A copy of the Term - Conditions can be obtained at ToRobert Haus, Corner of Douglas Street, Section 25 Allotment 1, Port Moresby or at the website of the Bank of Papua New Guinea.

Domestic Markets Department
Bank of Papua New Guinea