Call for Public Submissions - Review of the National Payments Strategy

The Bank is calling for public submissions to the Review of the National Payments Strategy by 31 December 2024

Public Notices / 02 December 2024

Digital payments

The Bank of Papua New Guinea is calling for public submissions to the Review of the National Payment Strategy. The Review will report to the Board of the Bank of PNG in the first quarter of 2025. The call for submissions will be open to the public until 31 December 2024.

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected]

Some questions for consideration - please feel free to answer these, or create your own responses:

  1. What do you see as the biggest challenges facing digital payments in Papua New Guinea?
  2. Where do you see PNG's national payments framework in 2030?
  3. Will we be using wallets? cards? What other technologies might be used in 2030?
  4. How can we create incentives for financial inclusion in PNG?
  5. What barriers do we face to greater financial inclusion?
  6. Are there regulations, fees, charges or taxes that you believe stop diversification, growth and inclusion in the financial system in PNG?
  7. How can we crowd in more suppliers that can deliver diversified services to PNG citizens and businesses?
  8. What is missing in PNG's payments space?
  9. How can your business operate more effectively in payments? What services do you need?
  10. What would encourage you to go digital and eliminate cash from your business operations?